First Christian Church
Disciples of Christ


PASTOR Darell Christopher
Pastor Darell Christopher is a powerhouse of talent, dedication, and creativity. With over 30 years of experience preaching the Gospel and serving God's people, Darell has become a beloved figure in his community and beyond.
As the former Program Director for Tulsa Metropolitan Ministries, Darell oversaw a range of outreach and social service programs, bringing hope and support to those in need. His tireless work has touched countless lives, and he continues to inspire and uplift others with his unwavering faith and commitment to service.
But Darell's talents don't stop there. He's also an accomplished educator, having taught Sociology and Religious Studies for over 20 years. His students have praised his enthusiasm, knowledge, and ability to connect with people from all walks of life.
And let's not forget Darell's creative side. He's an accomplished musician, having spent seven years in Europe performing with his Gospel choir and rhythm and blues band. His love of music and expression have undoubtedly enriched his ministry work and teaching, allowing him to connect with people on a deeper level.
Darell is also an active member of his community, serving on several boards in Tahlequah, including the Day Center for the Homeless. His commitment to social justice and service has made him a respected and influential leader, and his legacy of compassion and dedication will undoubtedly endure for years to come.

First Christian Church Elders for 2023 are (clockwise from top left): Judy Shade, Eileen Crouch, Paula Reif, Sue Catron, Sonya Vann and Richard Rief. Not pictured are Mike Phillips and Doug Stivers.
The responsibilities of the Elders in the Christian Church are as follows:
Share in the ministration of baptism
Share in the ministration of the Lord's Supper
Conduct of worship
Share in the pastoral care
Share in the the spiritual leadership of the congregation

Sue Catron
Sue Catron currently serves on the Board as chairman of the Administration Committee. In that role, she supports our Treasurer, is a member of the Finance committee, and helps support our church secretary. Sue loves to welcome people to First Christian. You can recognize her by her smile. Sue tries to fill in where needed. If she doesn’t know an answer, she’ll help find one.

Richard Rief
The first thing people notice about Richard Rief is his ready smile. The next thing folks notice is his height. The trait that sticks with others most though, is how friendly and supportive he is. Richard is the Director of Information Technology at NSU and First Christian leans on him to help support our video and sound services. Richard leads our adult Bible study on Sunday mornings. He participates on several committees and is always there to help. Richard is a great public speaker. He likes long bike rides. Above all, Richard loves his Church, his family – and his Green Bay Packers.

Paula Reif
Paula Reif is an educator by profession and her love for children is a gift to First Christian. Paula is the chairman of our Board and helps to actively lead the Education and Worship committees. Vacation Bible School, children’s church lessons, Hosannah Happenings, fall festivals… all these benefit from Paula’s energy and creativity. Within the community, Paula is an active member of Tahlequah Community Playhouse. With theater experience, we lean on Paula frequently within the sound booth too. Paula’s smile sure helps new people feel welcome.

Mike Phillips
Mike Phillips is one of those super quiet individuals who surprises those who don’t know him. Mike is active with the Tahlequah Community Playhouse and is quite an actor. Mike supports many of the committees and activities of First Christian. Most fun though, is when he’s participating in biblical skits or working with our youngsters during Vacation Bible School. Mike serves frequently as Worship Leader on Sunday mornings. He’s always bringing something unusual for the congregation to ponder.

Judy Shade
Judy Shade is an original New Jersey girl. Feeding people is one way she loves our community. Judy is a volunteer at Tahlequah’s CARE food pantry. She takes a leading role with First Christian’s sharing table and monthly Mobile Food Pantry distribution. Judy coordinates our efforts at Feed My Sheep, the weekly hot meal prepared and served to the community by a consortium of local churches. As the chairman of our membership committee, Judy plans and coordinates our social events – church dinners, baby showers, white elephant bingo… This is one busy lady! And she’s one of our trustee’s too.

Eileen Crouch
Eileen Crouch has a love of family, not only her own, but also her church family at First Christian. Eileen keeps us all connected. She shares prayer requests and updates, she coordinates the weekly women’s breakfast, she sends reminders about job responsibilities for each service. Eileen’s love of family also shines through in her work with our youth and the many programs and projects designed for their growth within the church. Look for the busiest person on a Sunday morning, and you’re going to find Eileen – taking care of all of us.

Doug Stivers
Doug Stivers is one of the most helpful people you may ever meet. Doug supports all efforts of First Christian with enthusiasm and thoughtfulness. Doug has previously served as Chairman of the Board and on several committees. You can find Doug helping with Vacation Bible School, constructing playground equipment, helping with clean-up at church dinners. Whatever is needed, Doug will do his best to fill the gap. All family is special to Doug – but ask him about that grandbaby if you get a chance.

Sonya Vann
Sonya Vann has a heart for those experiencing homelessness, and volunteers at Tahlequah’s Day Center. The Day Center provides a meal each day, shower facilities, and assistance in acquiring documents and other services to those who are housing or food insecure. Sonya is a past president of our Board and has been chairman of our Outreach committee for a number of years. Sonya is retired following a long career in nursing and health services. Her love of helping people is evident in everything she does.
Prayer Requests
Our Prayer List contains the names of individuals who could use our support and uplifting thoughts. This page provides an opportunity to come together as a community and send positive energy to those in need.
Prayers for healing from serious illness. Prognosis is not good. And prayers for Jesse's family.
Prayers for continued healing from knee replacement
Terry O
Prayers for comfort and healing as cancer treatment begins and healing from previous surgeries continues.
Gary L
Prayers for healing from cancerous spot removal
Paula L
Continued prayers for healing and comfort through cancer treatment
Gil C
Prayers for healing and comfort from serious health issue
Nicky L
In the hospital - prayers for healing and a return home quickly
Paula R.
Prayers for healing and comfort
13 yr old with terminal brain cancer. Prayers that growth conttinues to slow and prayers for the family as they love his young lady through these challenges.
Inaugural Widow's Gathering
October 14, 2023
The first luncheon gathering in support of our widows and widowers took place October 14. We had a great turnout and even better discussion about how this organization could be helpful. Tables were set in a Fall decor. We enjoyed a meal of loaded potato soup, sliders, salads and pumpkin bars for dessert. There was plenty of time for "getting to know you" conversation and lots of laughter. We're looking forward to the next gathering, which will be held November 17 at 11:30 am. In the meanwhile, we're searching for a great name for our group. If you have any suggestions, please get those to Candy Wolf.
World Communion Sunday, Pastor Appreciation Day and 108th Anniversary

October 1, 2023
Sunday the 1st of October was a day of celebration at First Christian! We joined with more than 100,000 other churches across the United States in recognizing World Communion Sunday. In joining with others, we recognize the unity of Christians across denomination lines. We are one in God's love.
It was also Pastor Appreciation Day and the 108th anniversary of the founding of Tahlequah's First Christian Church.
What better way to celebrate but with brunch and fellowship with our church family!
Women's Fall Retreat

September 29, 2023
Northeast Oklahoma District Women's Fall Retreat 2023 was held from noon September 29 through 4:30 September 30 at Camp Christian near Chouteau. The theme was "Women Who Get Things Done". Friday dinner included a mesmerizing campfire with S'mores and Spirits. Those in attendance participated in creative workshops like crochet and watercolor and explored Inspiration Point. Keynote speaker Rev. Dr. Lisa Davison's discussion of the "Rowdy Women of the Hebrew Bible." was certainly thought provoking. These workshops are SO good! Anyone looking for personal growth should consider attending the next one.
This year's mission project benefits Iron Gate, whose mission is to feed the hungry in Tulsa through a soup kitchen, grocery pantry, and kids' pantry.
With costs as low as $85 for the whole weekend or $55 for Saturday only, you won't want to miss out! Don't forget, you can save $10 if you register by September 13th! There are also scholarships available so please don't let cost be a barrier.
Let us know if you'd like more information or would like to attend.
Women's Breakfast
Dec 13, 2023
Gather for breakfast and fellowship every Wednesday morning at Cherokee Springs Golf Course. Everyone welcome. Drop in late, leave early... if you can be there, we'd love to visit with you.
Wednesday ZOOM Bible Study
Dec 13, 2023
Join our church community as we participate in Bible study and fellowship using ZOOM. Pastor Darell is happy to share the link. We welcome anyone who would like to participate. No need to be in Tahlequah, Oklahoma for this one.
Mobile Food Distribution
Dec 28, 2023
Your help is needed on the 4th Tuesday of each month to help distribute over 100 boxes of food to our community.
Children's Christmas Program and Tasting Tea
Dec 17, 2023
Angels and shepherds in abundance! Join us for a Christmas program presented by our youth and stay for snacks with your friends and family.
Christmas Eve Service
Dec 24, 2023
Our traditional candle lit Christmas service - make it a family tradition
Widow Support Luncheon
Dec 16, 2023
For a holiday stress relief, the Widow's group is meeting for lunch at the Cherokee Springs Golf Course and Invite all who have been widowed to join in this casual lunch gathering to provide support, encouragement and information to individuals who have this shared experience